Thursday, April 2, 2009

Episode 3: April 1st, 2009

Host Alexander Manshel introduces the show and the stories for the day. Todd Swisher asks seniors about their job searches and explores what help the Career Services Office can and cannot offer. Bianca Giaever interviews Shane Scranton about his semester off spent "fish picking"; that is, killing an invasive species of trout at Yellowstone Lake. Andrew Powers shares his thoughts on world health advocate Dr. Paul Farmer's recent visit to campus. Finally, David Small reports on Liebowitz Day, a student-created holiday that honors the 16th President of the College, Ronald Liebowitz. Music from Mandroid.

Download the podcast here.

Note: This week's podcast may play oddly on some computers. We are working to correct any quality issues.

As always, if you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas for a story, please contact us at